LVMPD: Use of Neck Restraint Tactic Now Limited to When Officer's Life Is Being Threatened

Jan 16, 2019
Criminal Justice


Welcome to Nevada Business Chronicles, your reliable source for local news and updates. In this article, we will explore the recent changes in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's (LVMPD) use of the neck restraint tactic, highlighting the decision to restrict its use to situations where an officer's life is being threatened.

Understanding the LVMPD's Decision

The LVMPD, as a law enforcement agency, recognizes the importance of using appropriate tactics to ensure public safety while minimizing the risks involved. To uphold transparency and trust within the community, the department has implemented this significant policy change regarding the use of neck restraints.

Reasons for the Change

The decision to limit the use of neck restraint tactic is primarily driven by the commitment of the LVMPD to prioritize the wellbeing of both officers and civilians. By restricting its use to situations where the officer's life is being threatened, the department aims to prevent unnecessary harm while maintaining the ability to respond effectively in potentially life-threatening scenarios.

Enhancing Officer Training

As part of this new policy, the LVMPD is dedicated to providing comprehensive and ongoing training programs for its officers. By ensuring that officers are well-equipped with alternative strategies and tactics, the department aims to maintain the highest standard of professionalism and accountability.

Implications and Impact

The restricted use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD signifies a commitment to aligning their practices with evolving policing standards and public expectations. This decision extends beyond the department itself and influences the broader conversation around law enforcement tactics.

Building Trust with the Community

Effective communication and transparency are vital for fostering trust between law enforcement agencies and their communities. By implementing this policy change based on a thorough evaluation of safety and ethical considerations, the LVMPD aims to strengthen its relationship with the community it serves.

Addressing Concerns

While the use of neck restraint tactics has been a subject of debate, the LVMPD's decision to limit its usage demonstrates a commitment to adapt to progressive changes in law enforcement practices. This decision acknowledges the importance of prioritizing the preservation of life and striking a balance between protecting officers and the public.

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The LVMPD's decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to situations where an officer's life is being threatened reflects their dedication to ensuring the safety of the public and their officers. Through ongoing training programs and a commitment to transparency, the department aims to build trust and foster a safer community. Stay informed with Nevada Business Chronicles, your trusted source for local news and updates.

Jaimie Mundin
The LVMPD's decision to restrict the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations is a positive step towards ensuring the safety of both officers and the public. It shows that the department is actively working to minimize the potential risks associated with this controversial technique. By implementing this limitation, the LVMPD is acknowledging the need for more cautious and responsible policing methods. This move will hopefully promote better trust and community relations, while still allowing officers to protect themselves in genuinely dangerous circumstances. Overall, it's a sensible decision that prioritizes everyone's well-being.
Nov 11, 2023
Shaun Cox
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to continuously review and modify their procedures to align with evolving safety standards. The decision to limit the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects this need for adaptability.
Oct 29, 2023
Matteo Bacchin
The decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations signifies a substantial commitment to safeguarding the lives and well-being of both officers and civilians during law enforcement encounters.
Oct 26, 2023
David Riley
The LVMPD's decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic reflects a mindful approach to law enforcement. This move aims to prioritize safety and minimize unnecessary risks.
Sep 12, 2023
Katiuska Gonzalez-Arzola
The restriction on the use of the neck restraint tactic to situations where officers are in immediate danger reflects a responsible and considered approach to law enforcement tactics. Safety must always come first.
Aug 17, 2023
Caroline Dean
The new limitations on the neck restraint tactic underscore the importance of minimizing the risk of potential harm during police interventions.
Aug 4, 2023
Shoaib Jilani
The updated restrictions on the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD display an awareness of the importance of using force only when absolutely essential, emphasizing the well-being and protection of all individuals.
Jul 24, 2023
Jennifer Daniels
This revised approach by the LVMPD to the use of the neck restraint tactic reflects a firm commitment to ensuring that force is employed judiciously, with the utmost priority placed on the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
Jul 10, 2023
Salah Ahmed
The decision to restrict the use of the neck restraint tactic to instances where an officer's life is being threatened underscores the significance of reducing unwarranted risks and upholding safety standards.
Jul 9, 2023
Margaret Hannan
The article presents a balanced perspective on the LVMPD's decision to restrict the use of the neck restraint tactic, equipping readers with important information for informed discussions.
Jun 16, 2023
Laura Whiteman
The restriction on the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations showcases a deliberative and prudent approach to law enforcement maneuvers, emphasizing safety as a top priority.
Apr 29, 2023
Matthew Linford
LVMPD's decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects a dedication to minimizing unnecessary risks and prioritizing the safety of both law enforcement officers and the public.
Mar 27, 2023
Add Email
The LVMPD's decision to restrict the use of the neck restraint tactic aligns with efforts to promote de-escalation techniques and minimize the use of potentially harmful force.
Mar 10, 2023
Margaret Henderson
The decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations signifies a substantial commitment to safeguarding the lives and well-being of both officers and civilians during law enforcement encounters.
Feb 2, 2023
Ray Crow
It's imperative for police departments to adopt measures that prioritize safety and responsible use of force. The revised policy on the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD reflects this crucial dedication.
Jan 17, 2023
Adam Nevis
The article offers a clear overview of the LVMPD's revised policy on the neck restraint tactic, presenting the information in a balanced and objective manner.
Jan 14, 2023
Ryan Connor
The updated guidelines for the use of the neck restraint tactic reflect a commitment to ethical and responsible policing practices.
Dec 6, 2022
The article outlines the rationale behind the LVMPD's decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic, offering valuable insights into the evolving landscape of law enforcement practices.
Nov 26, 2022
Darren Bond
It's vital for police departments to constantly evaluate and adjust their use-of-force tactics to ensure they align with the principles of safety and responsibility. The LVMPD's decision is a testament to this ongoing effort.
Nov 26, 2022
Marcelo Souza
The changes in the LVMPD's use of the neck restraint tactic demonstrate a proactive approach to addressing concerns related to use of force, promoting accountability and responsible policing.
Nov 13, 2022
Catie Conboy
The updated guidelines for the use of the neck restraint tactic reflect a commitment to ensuring that law enforcement interventions prioritize human safety and well-being.
Oct 14, 2022
Promocao Copa
LVMPD's decision to restrict the use of the neck restraint tactic to instances where an officer's life is at risk underscores the importance of minimizing unnecessary risks and upholding safety standards.
Oct 3, 2022
Manipal Reddy
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to regularly assess and enact changes in their tactics to align with the evolving standards of safety and accountability. The decision to limit the neck restraint tactic demonstrates this adaptability.
Sep 22, 2022
Jason Vaughan
The emphasis on restricting the use of the neck restraint tactic to scenarios where officers' lives are in danger embodies a responsible and cautious approach to ensuring the safety of all involved parties.
Aug 7, 2022
Christopher Waring
It's imperative for police departments to adopt measures that prioritize safety and responsible use of force. The revised policy on the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD reflects this crucial dedication.
May 8, 2022
Bryan Shadel
This shift in the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD echoes the demand for responsible and judicious law enforcement actions in the interest of maintaining safety and minimizing harm.
May 8, 2022
George Kemper
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to regularly assess and enact changes in their tactics to align with the evolving standards of safety and accountability. The decision to limit the neck restraint tactic demonstrates this adaptability.
May 6, 2022
Scott Englund
LVMPD's decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects a dedication to minimizing unnecessary risks and prioritizing the safety of both law enforcement officers and the public.
Apr 8, 2022
Thomas Kelly
The updated policy regarding the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD reflects a dedication to implementing measures that prioritize the protection and well-being of individuals, demonstrating a progressive and considerate change.
Mar 3, 2022
Rachel Ruiz
The article effectively communicates the LVMPD's updated stance on the neck restraint tactic, providing valuable context for understanding the rationale behind the decision.
Mar 3, 2022
Alexander Chukhlantsev
The emphasis on restricting the use of the neck restraint tactic to scenarios where officers' lives are in danger embodies a responsible and cautious approach to ensuring the safety of all involved parties.
Feb 2, 2022
Willie Oestreicher
The updated restrictions on the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD display an awareness of the importance of using force only when absolutely essential, emphasizing the well-being and protection of all individuals.
Jan 19, 2022
Blake Tatsuta
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to continuously review and modify their procedures to align with evolving safety standards. The decision to restrict the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects this need for adaptability.
Dec 16, 2021
Joonwhan Kim
The restriction on the use of the neck restraint tactic to situations where officers are in immediate danger reflects a responsible and considered approach to law enforcement tactics. Safety must always come first.
Nov 15, 2021
Aydin Ghajar
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to continuously review and modify their procedures to align with evolving safety standards. The decision to restrict the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects this need for adaptability.
Jul 31, 2021
James Farndale
The article illustrates the ongoing efforts of the LVMPD to adjust their tactics in line with evolving standards of safety and accountability in law enforcement.
Jul 7, 2021
Rebecca Kimes
This careful reconsideration of the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD emphasizes a commitment to ensuring responsible and necessary force, placing a priority on the safety of all parties involved.
Jul 5, 2021
Jack Granger
The restriction on the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations showcases a deliberative and prudent approach to law enforcement maneuvers, emphasizing safety as a top priority.
Jun 21, 2021
Jake Wilhelmsen
The decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations highlights the importance of prioritizing de-escalation and minimizing risks in police interventions.
Jun 6, 2021
Pam Miale
The updated policy regarding the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD reflects a dedication to implementing measures that prioritize the protection and well-being of individuals, demonstrating a progressive and considerate change.
May 7, 2021
59c157b509826 59c157b509878
It's commendable to see the LVMPD taking steps to refine their use-of-force protocols in a way that prioritizes responsible and necessary actions, while minimizing unnecessary risks for both officers and the public.
May 7, 2021
Péter Török
Understanding the context and motivation behind the LVMPD's policy changes is essential for fostering informed discussions and promoting accountability.
Apr 26, 2021
Rhett Willis
The article sheds light on the evolving approach of the LVMPD to the use of force, emphasizing the need for responsible and measured tactics in policing.
Apr 19, 2021
Michael Bristol
This shift in the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD echoes the demand for responsible and judicious law enforcement actions in the interest of maintaining safety and minimizing harm.
Apr 9, 2021
Tom Koukourdelis
The updated restrictions on the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD display an awareness of the importance of using force only when absolutely essential, emphasizing the well-being and protection of all individuals.
Mar 10, 2021
Mary Gregory
It's imperative for police departments to adopt measures that prioritize safety and responsible use of force. The revised policy on the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD reflects this crucial dedication.
Mar 4, 2021
Dennis Powell
LVMPD's decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects a dedication to minimizing unnecessary risks and prioritizing the safety of both law enforcement officers and the public.
Feb 11, 2021
Christopher Poncio
The updated guidelines for the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD show a commitment to ensuring that force is only used when absolutely necessary, emphasizing the safety and well-being of all individuals.
Dec 18, 2020
James O'Mara
This careful reconsideration of the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD emphasizes a commitment to ensuring responsible and necessary force, placing a priority on the safety of all parties involved.
Nov 30, 2020
Sherwin Agard
The emphasis on restricting the use of the neck restraint tactic to scenarios where officers' lives are in danger embodies a responsible and cautious approach to ensuring the safety of all involved parties.
Nov 20, 2020
Scott Stanton
It's commendable to see the LVMPD taking steps to refine their use-of-force protocols in a way that prioritizes responsible and necessary actions, while minimizing unnecessary risks for both officers and the public.
Nov 18, 2020
Nabila Sharani
As a member of the community, it's reassuring to see the LVMPD taking proactive steps to address concerns surrounding the use of force tactics.
Jun 4, 2020
Catherine Sheldon
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to continuously evaluate and update their tactics in line with best practices and public safety considerations.
Jun 4, 2020
Rikki Fischer
This new use-of-force policy illustrates the LVMPD's dedication to implementing measures that prioritize the protection and well-being of individuals. It's a progressive and welcome change.
May 1, 2020
Mike Flood
The shift towards restricting the use of the neck restraint tactic underscores the necessity of safeguarding individuals in police encounters and minimizing potential harm.
Apr 5, 2020
Cynthia Ammerman
The decision to restrict the use of the neck restraint tactic to instances where an officer's life is being threatened underscores the significance of reducing unwarranted risks and upholding safety standards.
Mar 21, 2020
Christopher Andre
Thank you for providing insight into the recent changes in LVMPD's use of the neck restraint tactic. It's important to understand the rationale behind these policy changes.
Mar 15, 2020
David Groheux
The emphasis on restricting the use of the neck restraint tactic to scenarios where officers' lives are in danger embodies a responsible and cautious approach to ensuring the safety of all involved parties.
Mar 11, 2020
Jeff Carr
The decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations signifies a substantial commitment to safeguarding the lives and well-being of both officers and civilians during law enforcement encounters.
Feb 22, 2020
The updated policy regarding the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD reflects a dedication to implementing measures that prioritize the protection and well-being of individuals, demonstrating a progressive and considerate change.
Feb 19, 2020
Patrick Taylor
This careful reconsideration of the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD emphasizes a commitment to ensuring responsible and necessary force, placing a priority on the safety of all parties involved.
Feb 7, 2020
Candace Quinn
The new limitations on the neck restraint tactic signal a commitment to transparency and accountability in the LVMPD's approach to use of force.
Jan 23, 2020
The decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects a shift towards prioritizing the safety of individuals involved in police encounters.
Jan 7, 2020
Michael Juell
This revised approach by the LVMPD to the use of the neck restraint tactic reflects a firm commitment to ensuring that force is employed judiciously, with the utmost priority placed on the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
Jan 6, 2020
Danny Lisenby
This shift in the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD echoes the demand for responsible and judicious law enforcement actions in the interest of maintaining safety and minimizing harm.
Nov 7, 2019
Corey Hageman
The restriction on the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations showcases a deliberative and prudent approach to law enforcement maneuvers, emphasizing safety as a top priority.
Oct 13, 2019
Eddie V
The restriction on the use of the neck restraint tactic to situations where officers are in immediate danger reflects a responsible and considered approach to law enforcement tactics. Safety must always come first.
Oct 4, 2019
Jacques Ouimet
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to regularly assess and enact changes in their tactics to align with the evolving standards of safety and accountability. The decision to limit the neck restraint tactic demonstrates this adaptability.
Sep 8, 2019
Greg Lima
This shift in the use of the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD echoes the demand for responsible and judicious law enforcement actions in the interest of maintaining safety and minimizing harm.
Aug 15, 2019
Jason Terpko
The updated policy regarding the neck restraint tactic demonstrates the LVMPD's commitment to refining law enforcement practices to better safeguard both officers and members of the community.
Aug 7, 2019
Sharon Travis
It's commendable to see the LVMPD taking steps to refine their use-of-force protocols in a way that prioritizes responsible and necessary actions, while minimizing unnecessary risks for both officers and the public.
Aug 2, 2019
Ted Wells
The updated policy represents a step towards ensuring that law enforcement interventions prioritize the preservation of life and the reduction of unnecessary risks during encounters.
Jul 30, 2019
Dany Nakad
Limiting the use of the neck restraint tactic to scenarios where officers' lives are in danger signifies a shift towards more cautious and calculated policing. This decision acknowledges the importance of maintaining safety for everyone involved.
Jul 16, 2019
Steve Richard
The restriction on the use of the neck restraint tactic to situations where officers are in immediate danger reflects a responsible and considered approach to law enforcement tactics. Safety must always come first.
Jul 6, 2019
Joseph Hwang
It's imperative for police departments to adopt measures that prioritize safety and responsible use of force. The revised policy on the neck restraint tactic by the LVMPD reflects this crucial dedication.
Jun 13, 2019
Michelle Bourgerie
This revised approach by the LVMPD to the use of the neck restraint tactic reflects a firm commitment to ensuring that force is employed judiciously, with the utmost priority placed on the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.
May 30, 2019
Daniel Steiner
The revised policy on the neck restraint tactic reinforces the importance of continuously reassessing and refining law enforcement tactics to prioritize community safety and well-being.
Apr 26, 2019
Pam Porter
The decision to restrict the use of the neck restraint tactic to instances where an officer's life is being threatened underscores the significance of reducing unwarranted risks and upholding safety standards.
Apr 20, 2019
Janna Gilkison
It's good to see that the LVMPD is taking steps to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to situations where officers' lives are at risk. Safety should be the top priority.
Mar 20, 2019
Maurice Philips
This decision by the LVMPD seems like a positive step towards ensuring responsible and necessary use of force in law enforcement. It's important for the safety of both officers and the public.
Feb 25, 2019
Albino Saldana
The decision to limit the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations signifies a substantial commitment to safeguarding the lives and well-being of both officers and civilians during law enforcement encounters.
Feb 10, 2019
Teresa Roche
It is important for police departments to continuously review and adapt their policies to prioritize the protection and dignity of individuals in their interactions with law enforcement.
Feb 5, 2019
Atul Ramachandran
It's crucial for law enforcement agencies to continuously review and modify their procedures to align with evolving safety standards. The decision to restrict the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations reflects this need for adaptability.
Jan 30, 2019
Tamesha Evans
Restricting the use of the neck restraint tactic to life-threatening situations is a crucial measure in promoting accountability and protecting individuals' well-being. It's a necessary change.
Jan 28, 2019