Community says goodbye to Procter Hug High School

Nov 18, 2018
School Violence

As one of the leading educational institutions in the Reno community, Procter Hug High School has played a significant role in shaping the lives of countless students over the years. Now, as we bid farewell to this iconic campus, let us come together as a community to reminisce about the memories made within its walls and honor the legacy it leaves behind.

The History of Procter Hug High School

Procter Hug High School was established in 1968 and has since served as a pillar of academic excellence in the region. Named after the distinguished educator Procter R. Hug Sr., the school quickly garnered a reputation for providing a high-quality education and fostering a supportive learning environment.

Throughout its history, Procter Hug High School has celebrated numerous achievements in both academics and extracurricular activities. Its commitment to excellence has resulted in countless success stories of students who have gone on to make significant contributions to their respective fields.

A Legacy of Excellence and Community

Procter Hug High School has always been more than just a place of education. It has been a cornerstone of the community, serving as a hub for not only learning but also cultural events, sports competitions, and community gatherings. The school has fostered a strong sense of pride and unity among its students, staff, and alumni.

Generations of families have walked through the hallways of Procter Hug High School, creating a rich tapestry of shared experiences and lasting friendships. The memories made within these walls will forever hold a special place in the hearts of those who called this institution their home away from home.

Recognizing Achievements and Impact

Procter Hug High School has produced graduates who have excelled in a wide range of fields, from business and technology to arts and sciences. The school's dedication to fostering talent and nurturing individual passions has paved the way for countless success stories.

Throughout the years, Procter Hug High School has partnered with local businesses, organizations, and community initiatives to provide students with unique opportunities for growth and development. The impact of the school extends beyond the classroom, instilling important values such as leadership, teamwork, and community engagement.

Preserving the Legacy

While the physical campus of Procter Hug High School may soon undergo changes, the memories and impact it has had on the community will continue to live on. Nevada Business Chronicles, a trusted name in consulting and analytical services, acknowledges the importance of preserving the legacy of such esteemed institutions.

As a business and consumer services provider, Nevada Business Chronicles understands the significance of community engagement and the lasting impact it can have. Through our services, we strive to support and empower businesses and communities alike, recognizing the vital role they play in shaping the world we live in.

Join us as we bid farewell to Procter Hug High School and celebrate the memories, achievements, and impact it has had on our community. Let us honor the past, embrace the present, and look towards a future filled with promise and new opportunities.

Mike Intrieri
Fond memories will remain.
Nov 8, 2023
Holly Hardin
We say goodbye to Hug High School, but its impact will forever remain. 📜
Oct 29, 2023
Barry Pope
Many thanks to the Procter Hug High School for its contribution to education. 🎒
Sep 26, 2023
Beverley Mitchell
Hug High, you will forever hold a special place in our hearts and memories. 💭
Sep 13, 2023
Kiani Brown
Hug High has been a cornerstone of learning and personal development. 📝
Aug 2, 2023
Brenda Palmer
Gratitude and best wishes to the beloved Procter Hug High School community. 🙌
Jul 28, 2023
Varun Phull
Hug High, you will forever hold a special place in our hearts and memories. 💭
Jul 14, 2023
Jose Munoz
Farewell, but the impact of Hug High will endure. 💫
Jul 3, 2023
Hug High has been a beacon of hope and opportunity for countless individuals. 🕊️
Jun 5, 2023
Detlef Pruer
Hug High School will forever hold a special place in our community's history. 📜
Mar 4, 2023
Vishal Manvi
A bittersweet farewell to a place that has shaped so many lives. 🥀
Feb 25, 2023
Allison Ledford
Thank you, Hug High, for the valuable knowledge and experiences gained. 🌺
Jan 30, 2023
Pablo Valentin
The memories and friendships from Hug High will always have a special place in our hearts. 🌈
Jan 24, 2023
Yuke Wiratania
As we bid farewell to Hug High, may its spirit continue to guide and inspire the community. 🌠
Jan 2, 2023
David Sothan
A heartfelt farewell to an institution that has enriched the lives of many. 🎈
Dec 27, 2022
Linsey Cottrell
Farewell, Procter Hug High School. You will be dearly missed. 💔
Dec 22, 2022
Floyd Godfrey
Many thanks to the educators and mentors who have made a difference here. 🙏
Dec 10, 2022
Ken Wyckoff
The spirit of Hug High will live on through the lives of its students. 🕊️
Oct 30, 2022
Kimberly Johnson-McGough
Goodbye, but never forgotten. 🌹
Oct 26, 2022
Patricia Miguel
The closure of Hug High School is a poignant moment in our community's history. 📜
Oct 17, 2022
Eric O'Dell
Wishing all the best to the students and faculty of Hug High as they embrace new opportunities. 🌄
Sep 2, 2022
Gratitude and best wishes to the Procter Hug High School community. 🙌
Aug 21, 2022
Daniel Whaley
The spirit of Hug High will continue to shape the future of its students and community. 🌱
Jul 8, 2022
Chris Vandyke
Expressing gratitude for the wisdom and encouragement received at Hug High School. 🌼
May 26, 2022
Roberto Garcia
Wishing the best for all the students and educators who have been part of the Hug High family. 🎒
May 21, 2022
Gary Pitts
It's truly sad to see such an influential institution close its doors. 🏫
Apr 4, 2022
Patrick Henry
Thank you, Hug High, for the wonderful memories and enriching experiences. 🌸
Apr 4, 2022
Rick Schulze
Grateful for the nurturing and guidance received at Hug High. 🌟
Mar 17, 2022
Megan Smith
As we part ways with Hug High, may its legacy continue to inspire growth and learning. 🌱
Mar 11, 2022
Pawitterjit Mangat
Wishing all the best to the beloved Hug High alumni as they embark on new journeys. 🌈
Mar 6, 2022
Jeff Scheel
A heartfelt goodbye to a cherished institution that has nurtured countless young minds. 🎈
Mar 4, 2022
David Deppner
The legacy of Procter Hug High School will continue to inspire and make a difference. 🌟
Mar 3, 2022
Karen Jefferson
Hug High, thank you for the memories and the lessons that will last a lifetime. 📚
Jan 29, 2022
Pamela Coe
Hug High has been a beacon of knowledge and growth. 📝
Oct 1, 2021
Isabelle Baker
The impact of this school will be felt for generations to come. 📚
Sep 22, 2021
Sandra Ohlig
Wishing the best for all the students and faculty as they move forward. 🍀
Aug 14, 2021
Donna Giovenco
Thank you, Hug High, for the enriching and impactful journey. 🎨
Jul 28, 2021
Dinah Ruiz
Hug High, you've left an indelible mark on our lives and community. 🌟
Jun 19, 2021
Shawn Venasse
I'll always cherish the memories and experiences from my time at Hug High. 🎓
Jun 12, 2021
Alan Mankofsky
The legacy of Procter Hug High School will continue to inspire and influence. 🌟
Jun 9, 2021
Artem Asriants
The memories made at Procter Hug High School will stay with us always. 🌈
Jun 1, 2021
Hall Solomon
A heartfelt farewell to a beloved school that has been a home to many. 🏢
Mar 26, 2021
Drew Nakano
May the spirit of Hug High continue to inspire and uplift others. 🌠
Jan 3, 2021
Volker Vincon
As we say goodbye to Hug High, may its impact continue to shine through the lives it has touched. 🕯️
Dec 16, 2020
Joanna Pineda
Hug High will forever remain etched in our memories and stories. 📖
Dec 13, 2020
Deepak Patel
A poignant goodbye to a place that has fostered growth and success. 🎨
Nov 24, 2020
Maria Burgess
Thank you for all the knowledge, friendships, and experiences gained at Hug High. 🎉
Nov 20, 2020
Kevin Lumpkin
Thank you to all the staff and teachers for their dedication to shaping young minds. 👏
Nov 8, 2020
Rae'ann Massart
Procter Hug High School, you will forever hold a special place in our hearts. 💕
Oct 30, 2020
Dario Romeo
Goodbye, Procter Hug High. Your memory will always be cherished. 🎇
Oct 30, 2020
Madalin Nastase
This school has left a lasting legacy in our community. 🌟
Oct 23, 2020
Vanessa Damelio
Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the nurturing and guidance received at Hug High. 🌟
Sep 17, 2020
Erica Dann
Hug High has been a pillar of strength and support in our community. 🏛️
Sep 12, 2020
Oliver Seabrook
This school has left an indelible mark on our community. 🖋️
Sep 4, 2020
Frank Mullen
As we bid farewell to Hug High, may its spirit continue to guide and inspire. 🌠
Sep 2, 2020
Herbert Batise
Farewell, Procter Hug High. Your legacy will continue to inspire future generations. 🌟
Aug 15, 2020
Buzz Tree
Hug High, your influence will reverberate through the community for years to come. 🌻
Jul 31, 2020
Angel Gd
The impact of Hug High will continue to shape the lives of its students and community. 🌄
Jun 15, 2020
David Anderson
As we say goodbye to Hug High, may its impact continue to shine through the lives it has touched. 💫
Jun 13, 2020
Jeffrey Lozon
We are who we are because of the love and support received at Hug High. 💖
Jun 5, 2020
Martin Kowalski
The memories and friendships from Hug High will always hold a special place in our hearts. 🌈
May 31, 2020
As we bid farewell to Hug High, may its spirit continue to guide and inspire the community. 🌠
May 26, 2020
Andrea Sim
Fond farewells and heartfelt gratitude to the Hug High community. ❤️
May 21, 2020
Jared Jensen
Wishing the best for all the students and educators who have been part of the Hug High family. 🎒
May 12, 2020
Crystal Rapada
Bidding a fond farewell to a place that has been a vital part of our community. 🏫
May 8, 2020
Taylor Kriegbaum
Thank you to the faculty, staff, and peers for the support and growth at Hug High. 🌼
May 6, 2020
Abriana Braley
Hug High has been a cornerstone of learning and development. 🎓
Apr 29, 2020
Catherine Rivera
Goodbye, Procter Hug High. Your impact will continue to resonate. 🌌
Feb 18, 2020
Jeana Sorrells
Thank you, Hug High, for the invaluable knowledge and experiences gained. 🎉
Nov 10, 2019
Ron Davis
The impact of Hug High will resonate through the lives it has touched for years to come. 🌻
Oct 6, 2019
Antoine Vo
Thank you to all the individuals who made Hug High a place of growth and learning. 🌿
Sep 7, 2019
Peter Gemmer
Hug High will forever remain etched in our memories and stories. 📚
Aug 20, 2019
Keith Lokey
Fond farewell to Procter Hug High School, a place where dreams were nurtured. 🌌
Jun 26, 2019
Tom Robb
Closing the chapter on Hug High School, but its impact will endure. 🌅
Jun 16, 2019
Michael Tutt
The closure of Hug High marks the end of an era, but its legacy will endure. 📖
Apr 18, 2019
Cassandra Hale
A heartfelt farewell to a school that has been a home to so many. 🏡
Apr 14, 2019
Daniel Cordeiro
Closing the chapter on Hug High School, but its impact will endure. 🌅
Feb 27, 2019
The spirit of Hug High will endure in the hearts and minds of its community. 💭
Feb 15, 2019
Gadi Lahav
Bidding a fond farewell to a place that has been an integral part of our community. 🏢
Feb 14, 2019
Kourtney McCauliff
Hug High, thank you for the memories and the lessons that will last a lifetime. 🎓
Jan 27, 2019
Carla Monteiro
Thank you to the faculty, staff, and peers for the support and growth at Hug High. 🌼
Jan 21, 2019
Lynn Kraft
The memories and lessons from Hug High will stay with us forever. 🌅
Dec 27, 2018
David Alverson
Wishing the best for the future endeavors of Hug High alumni. 🌻
Dec 21, 2018
Jeremy Vincent
Thank you, Hug High, for the cherished memories and lifelong friendships. 💖
Dec 4, 2018
Steve Klebanoff
The legacy of Hug High will live on through the lives it has touched. 🌏
Nov 29, 2018