Group proposes to fill Lake Mead by draining Lake Powell

May 15, 2018


At Nevada Business Chronicles, we delve into the latest developments in business and consumer services. In this article, we shed light on a thought-provoking proposal brought forward by a group seeking to address the challenges faced by Lake Mead and Lake Powell. The proposal suggests filling Lake Mead by draining Lake Powell, which has sparked debates nationwide.

The Challenge: Lake Mead and Lake Powell

Lake Mead and Lake Powell, both prominent reservoirs in the Western United States, play a vital role in supplying water for consumption, irrigation, and recreational activities. However, these reservoirs have experienced declining water levels in recent years due to prolonged droughts and increased water demand.

The Proposal: A Controversial Solution

The proposed solution to address these challenges involves draining Lake Powell to fill up Lake Mead. Advocates argue that this approach could help restore the water levels in Lake Mead, ensuring a more sustainable water supply for the region.

Potential Environmental Impacts

While the proposal aims to tackle the water scarcity problem, it has triggered concerns about potential environmental impacts. Critics argue that draining Lake Powell could have adverse effects on ecosystems, as it serves as a habitat for various fish species and supports diverse wildlife.

Benefits and Considerations

Water Security

If successful, the initiative could enhance water security in the Southwest region. By replenishing Lake Mead, communities, agriculture, and industries that heavily rely on this water source would have a more stable supply, reducing the vulnerability to future water shortages.

Hydropower Electricity Generation

Lake Powell is not only a reservoir but also an important hydroelectric power generator. The proposal raises concerns about the potential impact on the electricity generation capacity if it becomes a reality. It requires a careful examination of alternatives to ensure a smooth transition.

Navigating Legal and Political Challenges

Undoubtedly, converting an idea into reality requires navigating legal and political challenges. The proposal would need to undergo a comprehensive evaluation process, considering interstate water agreements, environmental regulations, and potential opposition from various stakeholders.

Critical Analysis and Public Opinion

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Experts and researchers are divided on the feasibility and potential consequences of draining Lake Powell to fill Lake Mead. Some argue that it could be an innovative solution that addresses immediate water concerns, while others raise concerns about the long-term environmental impact.

Public Participation and Input

Opening up this proposal for public input is crucial to ensure all perspectives are taken into account. The involvement of environmental organizations, local communities, and experts is necessary to assess the proposal's societal and ecological implications comprehensively.


The proposal to fill Lake Mead by draining Lake Powell is a complex and contentious issue. It presents potential solutions to address water scarcity challenges, but careful considerations must be given to its environmental impact, electricity generation, and legal hurdles. Nevada Business Chronicles remains committed to covering diverse perspectives and developments to keep you informed on important matters shaping our region.

Kenneth Mertzel
This proposal definitely raises some important questions.
Sep 20, 2023
Scott Edgcomb
This proposal prompts a critical examination of the interconnectedness of water resources, environmental preservation, and human needs.
Sep 17, 2023
Amol Tembe
It's imperative to conduct comprehensive studies to assess the feasibility and impact of this proposal on the broader environment and communities.
Jun 4, 2023
Addressing the challenges faced by Lake Mead and Lake Powell is undeniably important, but we must approach potential solutions with caution and foresight.
Mar 8, 2023
Holly Williamson
Interesting concept, but it would require thorough research and careful planning.
Jan 3, 2023
Joel Fisher
It's crucial to engage in thorough research and consultation with experts to fully understand the potential repercussions of this proposal.
Nov 5, 2022
Carola Warren
Could this proposal exacerbate existing water resource issues in the region?
Sep 23, 2022
Zulfan Efendi
Seems like a bold and controversial suggestion.
Aug 28, 2022
Ross Okuda
It's vital to seek input from experts in hydrology and environmental science.
Jul 1, 2022
Hiroyuki Kinoshita
It's important to consider the long-term effects on the ecosystem.
May 2, 2022
Loren Bishop
Interesting proposal, but it's essential to consider the environmental impact of such a large-scale manipulation of natural resources.
Apr 14, 2022
Tony Folin
I wonder if there are alternative solutions to the issues facing these lakes.
Mar 20, 2022
Angela Martinez
The impact on water rights and usage should not be underestimated.
Jul 20, 2021
Alex Shockley
The balance between addressing water challenges and protecting natural ecosystems is a complex issue that requires thoughtful deliberation.
Jan 17, 2021
Davydova Daria
This proposal could have major environmental implications.
Feb 12, 2020
Vincent Brunet-Dupont
The idea of filling Lake Mead by draining Lake Powell is certainly bold and ambitious, but it warrants careful analysis and consideration.
Jan 1, 2020
Marcelino Braulio
This proposal raises important questions about the long-term sustainability of water resources in the region.
Nov 13, 2019
Charissa Kelly
I wonder how local communities and wildlife would be affected by such a drastic change.
Oct 23, 2019
Didier Beutier
I'm eager to learn more about the details and potential risks of this plan.
Aug 11, 2019
Stacy Bizzell
I wonder what the potential economic implications of this proposal could be for the communities surrounding Lake Mead and Lake Powell.
Aug 5, 2019
Mary Korras
I'm curious to see how stakeholders would respond to this idea.
Jul 11, 2019
Maggie Utgoff
Intriguing concept, but we need to weigh the potential benefits against the possible risks and unintended consequences.
May 25, 2019
Linzi Breckenridge
I'm intrigued but cautious about the potential consequences of draining a large reservoir like Lake Powell.
Jan 8, 2019
Milena Garcia
I hope the potential risks and benefits of this proposal are thoroughly evaluated.
Dec 21, 2018
Allison Marshall
This proposal sparks debate about the best approach to managing water resources.
Oct 11, 2018