CELEBRATING 65 YEARS: A look back at KTNV's history

Mar 22, 2018

An Introduction to KTNV

Welcome to Nevada Business Chronicles, where we proudly delve into the fascinating history of KTNV, Nevada's premier news channel.

KTNV has been a consistent name in Nevada's broadcasting landscape, providing reliable and accurate news coverage for over six decades. As the go-to source for breaking news, community updates, and in-depth reporting, KTNV continues to shape the media landscape, promoting informed conversations and keeping Nevadans informed.

Early Beginnings and Milestones

KTNV, originally established in 1956 as a local TV station, has propelled itself to become one of the leading news organizations in Nevada. Its journey began with humble roots, but an unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality journalism.

Throughout its storied history, KTNV has witnessed numerous milestones, establishing a reputation for excellence in journalism. From being the first station to provide live color newscasts to pioneering investigative reporting, KTNV has continually pushed boundaries to better serve its audience.

Award-Winning Journalism

When it comes to journalism, KTNV is synonymous with excellence. Over the years, the news channel has earned numerous accolades, cementing its position as a trusted source of unbiased information. Award-winning journalists at KTNV have consistently tackled critical issues, giving voice to the voiceless and holding those in power accountable.

KTNV's commitment to ethical reporting and dedication to investigative journalism have been recognized with prestigious honors, including multiple Edward R. Murrow Awards, Emmy Awards, and Associated Press accolades.

The Role of KTNV in the Community

KTNV has deep-rooted ties with the community it serves. The news channel actively engages with local organizations, striving to make a positive impact beyond providing news coverage. KTNV has championed various charitable initiatives, supporting causes that uplift the community and drive positive change.

From providing extensive coverage during natural disasters and community crises to organizing fundraising events for local charities, KTNV stands tall as a dedicated partner in the community.

Expansion and Technological Innovations

KTNV's commitment to staying ahead of the curve in the fast-paced media industry has led to significant technological advancements and expansion. With advancements in digital platforms, KTNV has seamlessly transitioned into a multi-platform news provider, ensuring that audiences can access news anytime, anywhere.

Through strategic partnerships and investments in cutting-edge technologies, KTNV has continually evolved its news delivery methods, embracing the digital age while maintaining the core principles of traditional journalism.

The Future Ahead

As KTNV proudly celebrates 65 years of journalistic excellence, the news channel remains committed to its mission of providing accurate, reliable, and impactful news to its viewers. With a dedicated team of journalists and state-of-the-art technology, KTNV is well-equipped to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing media landscape.

Looking to the future, KTNV aims to continue its legacy of trusted journalism, embracing emerging technologies, and maintaining its role as a vital source of news in Nevada.


As we reflect on the remarkable journey of KTNV, we invite you to explore Nevada Business Chronicles and embark on a trip down memory lane filled with significant moments, impactful reporting, and the stories that have shaped KTNV into the influential news channel it is today.

Join us as we commemorate KTNV's rich history and celebrate their 65 years of dedicated service to the community.

Dan O'Donoghue
Happy anniversary, KTNV! 🎉 You've been rockin' the news for 65 years! 👏📺
Nov 8, 2023
Christophe Couturier
Kudos to KTNV for contributing to the community for 65 years. Here's to the future!
Nov 1, 2023
Jim Meyers
Congratulations to KTNV on 65 years of invaluable news coverage and community service!
Oct 9, 2023
Dieter Miles
KTNV's rich history is a testament to the channel's unwavering dedication to serving the public. Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone!
Sep 6, 2023
Satya Gundavarapu
The longevity of KTNV is a testament to the trust viewers have in your news reporting. Keep up the outstanding work!
Aug 27, 2023
Srikant Vemuri
It's been a privilege to witness KTNV's growth and impact over the years.
Apr 11, 2023
Meghan Denis
Wishing KTNV a happy 65th anniversary! Your role in keeping the community informed and engaged is truly invaluable.
Mar 31, 2023
Andrea Jannack
Congratulations, KTNV, on 65 years of dedicated news coverage. Your impact on Nevada's media landscape is truly commendable.
Mar 28, 2023
Luke Hindman
From the early days to now, KTNV has been a trusted source of information. Here's to the next 65 years!
Feb 28, 2023
Justin Lockwood
Looking back at KTNV's history is a reminder of the channel's enduring legacy in Nevada. Here's to many more years of impactful storytelling!
Feb 10, 2023
Bill Bolls
Kudos to KTNV for upholding a standard of excellence for 65 years. Your contribution to Nevada's media industry is invaluable.
Jan 29, 2023
Dave Nadolne
Congratulations on 65 years of incredible journalism! 🎉
Dec 11, 2022
John Hartz
The history of KTNV is the history of Nevada. Congratulations on this milestone!
Sep 12, 2022
Nabil Tabet
I've grown up watching KTNV and it's amazing to look back on the impact the channel has had over the years. Here's to many more milestones!
Aug 17, 2022
Walter Sutherlin
KTNV's 65th anniversary is a testament to the enduring impact of quality journalism. Wishing you continued success in the years ahead!
Mar 22, 2022
Jeffrey Bolden
KTNV's legacy is truly remarkable. Thank you for being a beacon of reliable news.
Feb 24, 2022
Luke Knight
The impact of KTNV on Nevada's news landscape cannot be overstated. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to delivering the truth.
Jan 26, 2022
Mike Zimmerman
KTNV's history is a reflection of the channel's unwavering commitment to delivering accurate and reliable news. Here's to many more years of impactful reporting!
Dec 6, 2021
Adam Nicholson
Reflecting on KTNV's history is a testament to the channel's unwavering dedication to serving the community. Congratulations on this momentous occasion!
Oct 9, 2021
Michael Mueller
Congratulations to KTNV on 65 years of reliable news coverage. Here's to many more years of informative journalism! 🎉
Sep 6, 2021
Mike O'Malleu
Such an important milestone for KTNV! Here's to many more years of outstanding reporting.
Jul 27, 2021
Roy Itay
Congratulations to KTNV on reaching this significant milestone! Your dedication to reliable news coverage is truly commendable.
Jul 12, 2021
Chris Bruderle
KTNV's 65-year journey is a testament to the channel's resilience and commitment to serving the community. Congratulations on this incredible milestone!
Jul 5, 2021
Paddy Gaonkar
Thank you, KTNV, for keeping us informed all these years!
Jan 29, 2021
Amy Janezic
The history of KTNV is indeed a testament to the importance of reliable journalism. Thank you for keeping the community informed.
Dec 29, 2020
Iris Martinez
Reflecting on KTNV's history is a reminder of the steadfast dedication the channel has shown in serving the community. Here's to more years of insightful journalism!
Nov 26, 2020
Rodney Yendle
The legacy of KTNV is a testament to the enduring importance of responsible journalism. Congratulations on 65 years of keeping Nevada informed!
Nov 7, 2020
Daniel Faulknham
As a longtime viewer, I'm grateful for KTNV's steadfast commitment to delivering trustworthy news for over six decades. Here's to many more years of informative reporting!
Nov 4, 2020
Sally Buttenhoff
I've always admired KTNV for its commitment to providing accurate news coverage. Looking forward to more insightful stories from you!
Oct 12, 2020
Bastian Purrer
The impact of KTNV on Nevada's media landscape is immeasurable. Congratulations on 65 years of excellence and thank you for keeping the community informed!
Sep 30, 2020
Kristian Sturt
Your dedication to accurate reporting is truly commendable. Congratulations, KTNV!
Feb 29, 2020
Jesus Viciana
I've always appreciated KTNV's dedication to delivering accurate and reliable news. Congratulations on 65 years of exceptional journalism!
Feb 9, 2020
Kathleen Lee
KTNV has been a household name for years, and it's inspiring to see the impact the channel has had in shaping Nevada's media landscape. Here's to continued success!
Jan 31, 2020
Teresa Stielow
KTNV's enduring legacy in Nevada's news industry is a testament to the channel's commitment to excellence. Here's to continued success in the years ahead!
Jan 24, 2020
Martyn Seddon
As a member of the community, I want to express my appreciation for KTNV's dedicated coverage over the years. Here's to many more years of informative storytelling!
Oct 14, 2019
Wildtree Bay Area
It's fascinating to see how KTNV has been a consistent name in Nevada's broadcasting landscape for over six decades. Great article!
Sep 7, 2019
Susan Chitty
Reflecting on KTNV's history is a reminder of the channel's enduring commitment to the community. Congratulations on 65 years of service!
Jul 17, 2019
Vickie Balis
Congratulations to KTNV for 65 years of providing reliable news coverage to the community. Your commitment to journalistic integrity is truly admirable!
Nov 22, 2018
Marcus Rayner
As a longtime viewer, I appreciate KTNV's dedication to delivering trustworthy news. Congrats on 65 years of excellence!
Oct 11, 2018
Scott Roth
I've been watching KTNV for as long as I can remember; thank you for your dedication to the community.
May 7, 2018
Nilesh Patel
KTNV's legacy in Nevada's news industry is truly remarkable. Wishing you continued success in the years to come.
Apr 23, 2018