Woman Upset After Lynching Image Placed on Desk

Jan 22, 2020


Welcome to Nevada Business Chronicles, your go-to source for the latest news and insights in the business world. In this article, we will delve into a shocking incident that occurred in a Vegas call center, where a supervisor was fired after placing a lynching image on a woman's desk. This incident has sparked outrage and raised serious questions about workplace culture and equal treatment. Join us as we uncover the details and examine the impact on the business and consumer services industry.

The Incident

In a distressing turn of events, a woman working at a Vegas call center was left traumatized when she discovered a lynching image on her desk. The image was reportedly placed there by her supervisor, leading to her immediate distress and a swift response from the company. This incident has ignited a wave of anger and highlighted the importance of fostering inclusive and respectful workplaces.

Impact on the Industry

The business and consumer services industry plays a crucial role in our economy, providing vital consulting and analytical services to various sectors. However, incidents like the one mentioned above have far-reaching consequences. Unethical behavior and workplace harassment not only damage the reputation of companies involved but also contribute to a toxic work environment. Clients and consumers alike expect businesses to uphold high ethical standards, and any breach of trust can have severe implications.

Workplace Culture and Employee Well-being

The incident in question raises important questions about workplace culture and the well-being of employees. A healthy work environment should prioritize inclusivity, respect, and diversity. Companies must actively work towards creating an atmosphere of trust and support, wherein any form of harassment or discrimination is strictly dealt with. Open and transparent communication channels, along with comprehensive employee training programs, play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.

The Role of Leadership

Effective leadership is crucial in fostering a positive work environment. Leaders must set the tone for acceptable behavior and ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and respect. It is the responsibility of managers and supervisors to enforce strict policies against any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying. By actively promoting a culture of inclusivity, leaders can foster employee loyalty, increase productivity, and attract top talent.

Addressing the Issue

When incidents like the one described in this article occur, it is crucial for businesses to respond swiftly and decisively. Immediate action should be taken to investigate the matter, provide support to the affected employee, and ensure that appropriate disciplinary measures are implemented. Additionally, organizations should review and strengthen their policies on workplace conduct, clearly outlining expected behavior and the consequences for any violations.


The incident involving the placement of a lynching image on a woman's desk at a Vegas call center raises profound concerns about workplace culture and ethics within the business and consumer services industry. Nevada Business Chronicles remains committed to reporting on such incidents, shedding light on critical issues that impact businesses and consumers alike. Join us as we continue to strive for a better, more inclusive future.

Chris Fillmore
Appalling and deeply disturbing. 🤦‍♀️💔
Nov 8, 2023
Dean Norton
The company's response will be telling of their commitment to creating a safe and inclusive workplace.
Nov 6, 2023
Jay Yancy
Creating a workplace environment free of harassment and discrimination should be a top priority for all companies.
Oct 15, 2023
Scott Morrison
Utterly disturbing and completely unacceptable. 😡💔
Oct 8, 2023
Sandy D'Amico
This incident underscores the urgency of creating a workplace environment free of discrimination and harassment.
Oct 3, 2023
Akshatha Upadhya
The supervisor's behavior has undoubtedly caused distress and upset, and appropriate action must be taken.
Sep 11, 2023
The supervisor's actions have likely caused trauma and distress, and this cannot be overlooked.
Aug 23, 2023
Elizabeth Seiter
This incident underscores the importance of continuous education and awareness around workplace discrimination.
Aug 17, 2023
Adrian Espinal
The supervisor's actions reflect a lack of professionalism and respect.
Aug 9, 2023
Troy Kuhn
It's imperative for the company to take swift and decisive action in response to this incident.
Jul 31, 2023
Leeanne Martin
Diversity and inclusion training should be a priority in all workplaces to prevent such incidents.
Jul 31, 2023
Satyajit Swain
Racism has no place in any professional setting, and it's critical for companies to enforce this principle.
Jul 24, 2023
Jacob Marshall-Smith
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the work still needed to create a safe and inclusive workplace for all.
Jul 19, 2023
Jessie Shen
It's important for companies to actively work towards creating a culture of respect and inclusion.
May 28, 2023
Vince Lamantia
The affected woman and all employees deserve a workplace free of discrimination and harassment.
May 12, 2023
I'm appalled by the supervisor's actions and the distress caused to the woman.
May 5, 2023
David Coodey
Creating a culture of respect and inclusivity should be a priority for all organizations.
May 4, 2023
Jonathan Failla
I hope the company takes this incident as an opportunity to implement meaningful change.
Apr 28, 2023
David Hunt
I am deeply troubled by this incident and hope for the affected woman's well-being and security.
Apr 10, 2023
Maria Preston
The company's response should prioritize the affected woman's well-being and security above all else.
Apr 1, 2023
Bill Dougherty
The company's response to this incident will be closely watched by the broader community.
Mar 30, 2023
Dimitri Kallinis
This article highlights the ongoing need for awareness and education around racial sensitivity.
Mar 23, 2023
Ryan Taft
I hope that all employees, especially the affected woman, receive the necessary support and understanding.
Mar 7, 2023
Robert Froman
Such behavior undermines the trust and respect necessary for a healthy work environment.
Mar 7, 2023
Leroy Brown
I hope that the company takes swift and decisive action to address this serious incident.
Feb 28, 2023
Gerald Leekey
Diversity and inclusivity should be actively promoted and protected in all professional settings.
Feb 23, 2023
John Freeman
I hope the affected woman receives the necessary support and resources to navigate this difficult situation.
Feb 16, 2023
Patrice Murphy
The affected woman's well-being and security should be the top priority for the company's response.
Feb 1, 2023
Jamie Brewer
Supporting and protecting the affected employees should be the highest priority for the company.
Dec 24, 2022
Karyn Hedgpeth
Creating a safe and respectful workplace is a responsibility that all companies must take seriously.
Nov 23, 2022
Daryl Delacruz
I hope the affected woman receives the necessary support from her colleagues and management.
Oct 21, 2022
Titi Denloye
I hope this serves as a wake-up call for all companies to actively address and prevent discrimination.
Oct 14, 2022
Kevin O'Hara
The impact of such incidents on the individuals affected should not be downplayed.
Sep 27, 2022
Mike Vagnini
I hope the affected woman receives the necessary support and understanding during this difficult time.
Sep 26, 2022
Richard Printz
The workplace should be a space where all individuals feel respected and safe, without fear of discrimination.
Sep 21, 2022
Jennifer Mueller
The affected woman's safety and well-being should be at the forefront of all actions taken by the company.
Sep 10, 2022
Dan Bennett
I hope the affected woman receives the necessary support and care during this difficult time.
Sep 3, 2022
Courtney Chambers
The company's response to this incident will be a crucial test of their commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
Aug 13, 2022
Jeff Hazard
Racism, even in subtle forms, should not be tolerated in any professional environment.
Aug 4, 2022
Debra Odom
Education and awareness are key to preventing such incidents from occurring.
May 12, 2022
Rita Cruz
I hope that the affected woman receives the support and justice she deserves.
Apr 21, 2022
The company's response to this incident is paramount in ensuring the safety and well-being of all employees.
Apr 16, 2022
James Kloppenburg
I hope the woman affected receives the support and protection she needs.
Apr 6, 2022
Terry Barber
I'm deeply troubled by this incident and hope for swift and effective action to be taken.
Apr 4, 2022
Eric Coughlin
The company's response to this incident will be a defining moment for their commitment to workplace safety and inclusion.
Apr 4, 2022
Dawn Dimond
This incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for respect and equity in the workplace.
Mar 23, 2022
David Lawrence
The supervisor's actions have no place in any work environment and must be condemned.
Mar 18, 2022
Bryan Lucas
Such actions have no place in any professional setting and must be addressed seriously.
Jan 11, 2022
Ravin Sardal
Companies need to take a strong stance against any form of discrimination within their walls.
Dec 19, 2021
Fred Soule
It's crucial for the company to provide a strong and supportive response to this deeply concerning incident.
Nov 22, 2021
The affected woman deserves the full support and protection of the company during this challenging time.
Nov 20, 2021
Warren Ashley
I hope the company takes concrete steps to ensure that such incidents are prevented and addressed effectively.
Nov 18, 2021
Carol Hrepich
Placing such a racist and violent image in a workplace is completely unacceptable.
Oct 27, 2021
Jun Young
This incident is a stark reminder of the ongoing fight against racism and discrimination.
Oct 25, 2021
Shane Witt
The company's response should prioritize the well-being and security of the affected woman.
Oct 8, 2021
Maier Hilmar
This article should prompt serious reflection and action from all companies to prevent similar incidents.
Sep 17, 2021
Claudia Garcia
It's crucial for all employees to feel safe and respected in their workplace, regardless of race or background.
Sep 13, 2021
Umesh Chandra
The impact of this incident extends beyond the immediate workplace and into the broader community.
Sep 11, 2021
Eric Corbyn
This is a stark reminder of the ongoing fight against racism in all its forms.
Aug 30, 2021
Ronald Galley
I hope that the affected woman receives the necessary support and care during this challenging time.
Aug 26, 2021
Kerri Cunningham
The impact of such incidents can create lasting trauma for the affected individuals.
Aug 21, 2021
Art Wilcox
It is crucial for the company to take decisive action in response to this deeply concerning incident.
Aug 16, 2021
Companies must take proactive steps to prevent and address all forms of workplace discrimination.
Aug 12, 2021
Neil Stacey
I hope the company takes appropriate measures to prevent such incidents from happening again.
Jul 28, 2021
Dee Martin
This behavior is not only reprehensible but also damaging to the overall workplace environment.
Jul 17, 2021
Jerry Betsill
Racism in any form is a serious issue that requires immediate attention and action.
Jul 16, 2021
Joy Rogers
It's disheartening to hear about incidents like this, especially in a professional setting.
Jul 14, 2021
Jesse Hopkins
The company's values and priorities will be judged by the way they handle this situation.
Jul 10, 2021
Trevor Huffard
The company's response to this incident will be crucial in setting the right tone for their employees.
Jul 9, 2021
Ian McKay
This incident highlights the pervasive nature of discrimination and the need for proactive education and change.
Jul 6, 2021
Graham Gerst
I hope this incident sparks meaningful conversations about workplace discrimination and the actions needed to prevent it.
Jun 26, 2021
Richard Cove
This incident underscores the crucial need for anti-discrimination and cultural sensitivity training in all workplaces.
Jun 9, 2021
Maria Garcia
I hope that the company takes swift and thorough action to address this serious incident.
May 29, 2021
Phil Mitchell
It's imperative for companies to take a strong stance against any form of workplace discrimination.
May 18, 2021
Petra McKay
It's important for companies to have strict policies against any form of discrimination.
May 12, 2021
Alexander Boyatt
I hope this incident prompts meaningful change in the company's approach to diversity and inclusion.
May 2, 2021
Janelle Elias
This incident is deeply concerning and should be thoroughly investigated.
Apr 17, 2021
Matthew Barrera
This type of behavior creates a toxic work environment and should not be tolerated.
Apr 13, 2021
Goose Berry
It's crucial for all individuals to feel safe and valued in their workplace, without fear of discrimination.
Apr 5, 2021
Vandy Veeder
This incident should serve as a reminder of the importance of fostering a culture of respect and inclusion in the workplace.
Mar 2, 2021
Jennifer Austin
I stand with the affected woman and support her in seeking justice and accountability.
Jan 19, 2021
Jenni Spies
It's concerning to see such incidents occurring in professional settings, and prevention measures must be carefully considered.
Dec 24, 2020
David Pacheco
I hope that the company takes this incident as an opportunity to enact meaningful change.
Dec 14, 2020
Patti Rodriguez
This article serves as a sobering reminder of the ongoing need for workplace inclusivity and equity.
Nov 30, 2020
Marcela Osuna
I hope that the company takes immediate and meaningful steps to address this incident.
Nov 30, 2020
Nigel Stevens
This incident underscores the critical importance of comprehensive anti-discrimination measures in the workplace.
Nov 19, 2020
Ebony Griffiths
The company's response to this incident will set a precedent for future cases of discrimination.
Oct 23, 2020
Jeremy Keller
Incidents like this one highlight the pressing need for continued education and action against discrimination.
Oct 11, 2020
Lisa Callahan
This incident is a call to action for all organizations to reevaluate their workplace culture and policies.
Oct 7, 2020
Dwayne Franko
The company's response to this incident will play a critical role in the affected woman's well-being.
Sep 8, 2020
Karin Volpert
The emotional and psychological impact of this incident should not be underestimated.
Aug 30, 2020
Frank Davidson
This incident highlights the urgent need for companies to actively combat workplace discrimination.
Aug 14, 2020
Steve Small
This incident emphasizes the need for continuous education on respect and diversity in the workplace.
Aug 10, 2020
The supervisor's actions reflect the urgent need for education and awareness around cultural respect.
Jul 14, 2020
Yingguang Liu
It's disheartening to hear about such incidents, and I hope the affected woman is supported.
Jul 8, 2020
Richard Rodriguez
The affected woman and all employees should feel supported and protected by the company.
Jul 5, 2020
Jamie Owner
The impact of such actions on the affected individual and the wider workplace should not be underestimated.
Jun 25, 2020
Joe Tuohy
Such behavior is not just an isolated incident but indicative of broader issues that need to be addressed.
Jun 18, 2020
Jan-Michael Pasia
Talk about workplace harassment and discrimination is essential in creating a culture of accountability and respect.
May 18, 2020
Scott Messick
It's crucial for companies to prioritize diversity training and cultural sensitivity.
May 10, 2020
Vinay Paramanand
This incident is an urgent reminder of the work needed to eliminate discrimination in professional settings.
Apr 12, 2020
Ashley Riddle
Companies have a responsibility to actively prevent and address all forms of discrimination in their workplaces.
Apr 12, 2020
Rafael Navarro
As a society, we must continue to work towards a more inclusive and respectful environment in all workplaces.
Apr 9, 2020
Chris Rivoire
It's essential for companies to create and enforce policies that promote a respectful and inclusive workplace.
Mar 31, 2020
Richard Apollo
Creating a workplace that is free of racism and discrimination requires active effort and enforcement of policies.
Mar 13, 2020
Nancy Rees
The company's accountability and measures taken in response to this incident will be closely watched.
Mar 6, 2020
Syed Ali
Creating a workplace free of discrimination and harassment requires active education and enforcement of policies.
Feb 13, 2020
Froylan Diaz
Incidents like this one remind us of the ongoing work needed to eradicate discrimination and racism.
Feb 9, 2020