Public TV - Empowering Karnataka with the Latest Kannada News

Nov 2, 2023

The Power of Public TV

Public TV, a prominent name in the mass media industry, is here to deliver the latest Kannada news to the people of Karnataka. With an unwavering commitment to excellence and a mission to empower, Public TV has become one of the most trusted sources of news in the region.

Unraveling the News for You

At Public TV, we believe in the power of unbiased reporting and comprehensive coverage. Our dedicated team of journalists works tirelessly to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date news stories from across Karnataka, covering a wide range of topics including politics, business, entertainment, sports, and more.

Latest Kannada News at Your Fingertips

With Public TV, you'll never miss out on the latest happenings in Karnataka. Our website,, offers a user-friendly platform where you can access the latest Kannada news anytime and anywhere. Stay informed with our real-time updates, breaking news alerts, and in-depth analysis.

Extensive Coverage for a Broad Audience

We understand that the diverse population of Karnataka has different interests and preferences when it comes to news. That's why at Public TV, we cover a wide spectrum of topics to cater to our broad audience. Whether you're interested in politics, business, technology, or culture, we've got you covered.

Your Trusted Source for Breaking News

When a major event unfolds in Karnataka, you can rely on Public TV to provide timely and accurate information. Our dedicated reporters are always on the ground, bringing you latest Kannada news as it happens. We strive to be the first to bring you breaking news while maintaining our commitment to journalistic integrity.

Engaging Visuals for Enhanced Understanding

We believe that visuals play a powerful role in storytelling. That's why Public TV incorporates high-quality images, videos, and infographics into our news articles. Our visual content not only enhances the understanding of the news but also makes the reading experience more engaging and captivating.

Public TV - Shaping Public Opinion

As a responsible news organization, Public TV understands the influence it has on shaping public opinion. With this understanding, we strive to provide accurate and balanced news coverage, allowing our audience to form their opinions based on reliable information. We aim to foster a deeply informed and engaged society.

Stay Connected with Public TV

Stay connected with Public TV and never miss out on the latest Kannada news. Follow us on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive regular updates and join the conversation. Our newsletters and mobile app ensure that you stay informed even when you're on the go.


Public TV stands as a pioneer in delivering the latest Kannada news to the masses. With our commitment to authenticity, reliability, and comprehensive coverage, we aim to be the go-to source for all Karnataka-related news. Visit our website, and experience the power of well-informed news reporting.

Terri Stockton
Great source for staying updated on Karnataka news! 👍📺🗞️
Nov 9, 2023
Sarah Starr
👍 Informative and reliable news source for Karnataka! Public TV keeps us updated! 💯📺🗞️
Nov 7, 2023