Australia vs. France: Quarterfinal Odds, Stats and Live Stream

Jul 31, 2020


Welcome to Nevada Business Chronicles, your premier destination for comprehensive coverage of the 2023 Women's World Cup. In this article, we will delve into the quarterfinal match between Australia and France, providing you with in-depth analysis, up-to-date statistics, and live streaming information. Stay tuned to discover the odds, team stats, and key player insights that will shape this highly anticipated clash.

Match Preview

The Australia vs. France quarterfinal match is set to take place on August 12, 2023, promising football fans an exhilarating display of skill and determination. Both teams have showcased their prowess throughout the tournament, and the quarterfinal stage presents a crucial opportunity for them to advance towards the ultimate glory.

Team Profiles


The Australian national women's football team, known as the Matildas, has established itself as a force to be reckoned with in international competitions. Led by their talented coach and a squad packed with experienced and emerging stars, Australia has impressed spectators with their attacking flair, solid defense, and tactical versatility.


On the other hand, France boasts a rich footballing heritage and has consistently fielded formidable squads. As one of the powerhouses in women's football, the French national team, often referred to as Les Bleues, combines technical brilliance with a strong sense of teamwork. With skillful players and astute tactical strategies, France poses a significant challenge to any opponent.


The head-to-head record between Australia and France adds an extra layer of intrigue to this quarterfinal encounter. Over the years, the two teams have engaged in thrilling battles, showcasing their competitive spirit and determination to emerge victorious. Their previous clashes have often been tightly contested affairs, with each team demonstrating their ability to impact the game both defensively and offensively.

Key Players to Watch

Both Australia and France possess a wealth of talent within their respective squads. In this highly anticipated match, several players are expected to play pivotal roles:


  • Samantha Kerr - Australia's star striker, known for her incredible goal-scoring ability and agility on the field.
  • Steph Catley - An experienced defender who provides stability and leadership at the back for the Matildas.
  • Emily van Egmond - A midfielder known for her vision, passing accuracy, and ability to dictate the tempo of the game.


  • Eugénie Le Sommer - France's all-time leading goal scorer, possessing exceptional technical skills and a sharp footballing intellect.
  • Wendie Renard - A commanding central defender known for her aerial dominance and composure under pressure.
  • Amandine Henry - A dynamic midfielder with excellent ball control, precise passing, and a knack for delivering crucial goals.

Match Analysis

Given the strengths and capabilities of both teams, the Australia vs. France quarterfinal is expected to be a tightly contested battle. Australia's attacking prowess will be met with France's defensive resilience, creating a fascinating clash of styles.

Fans can anticipate an intense competition marked by skillful dribbles, incisive passes, and lightning-fast counterattacks. The match may witness tactical battles as both teams strive to exploit any weaknesses in their opponents' defensive structures.

Live Streaming and Broadcast Information

To ensure you don't miss a moment of this thrilling quarterfinal, Nevada Business Chronicles will provide live streaming coverage of the Australia vs. France match on our website. Additionally, make sure to check your local broadcasters for televised coverage of the match.

Odds and Betting Insights

For those interested in the betting aspect, we have compiled some valuable odds and insights for you:

Coming soon...

Stay Updated with Nevada Business Chronicles

At Nevada Business Chronicles, we are dedicated to bringing you the latest news, updates, and comprehensive analysis of the 2023 Women's World Cup. Stay tuned to our website for all the quarterfinal action, in-depth match reports, and post-match reactions.

Don't miss your chance to stay informed about this exhilarating clash between Australia and France. Follow us on social media and bookmark our website to ensure you never miss a beat.

Marie Loridon
The stats and analysis provided in this article really help in understanding the strengths of both teams.
Oct 9, 2023
Martin Tristani-Firouzi
The anticipation for this match is palpable, and the detailed statistics contribute to the excitement.
Sep 21, 2023
Tyra Spencer
The stats breakdown helps in understanding the potential trajectory of the quarterfinal result. Well done.
Aug 5, 2023
Francis Leblanc
The article effectively captures the significance of this quarterfinal clash between Australia and France.
Jul 6, 2023
Betty Rodriguez
Australia has been performing exceptionally well so far. Can't wait to see how they fare in the quarterfinals!
Jun 22, 2023
Stephen Gallo
The live stream option opens up the opportunity for fans across the globe to engage with this matchup. Excellent inclusion!
Apr 24, 2023
Jim Morgan
Can't wait to see the action unfold between these two powerhouse teams. It's going to be an epic showdown!
Apr 8, 2023
Bill D'Argis
Looking forward to witnessing how Australia and France will compete at this crucial stage of the tournament.
Mar 8, 2023
Gina Jee
The Women's World Cup has been full of surprises, and I'm sure this quarterfinal will be no different.
Feb 28, 2023
Mara Chapin
The focus on the upcoming match's odds and stats provides valuable context for soccer enthusiasts.
Feb 16, 2023
Valarie Johnston
The statistics provided here add a layer of depth to the understanding of both teams' performances. Insightful read.
Feb 4, 2023
Logan Henriquez
The live stream feature is a game-changer, especially for fans who can't be physically present at the match. A great inclusion.
Dec 15, 2022
Marco Robertiello
The balance of analysis and live stream availability makes this article a one-stop source for fans.
Nov 28, 2022
Hanif Parkar
Great breakdown of the upcoming quarterfinal match! Looking forward to watching it live.
Nov 26, 2022
Eugeni Pippo
I'm rooting for Australia in this quarterfinal. They have shown impressive teamwork throughout the tournament.
Oct 12, 2022
Pete Mountanos
Excited to see how the live stream coverage will enhance the viewing experience for this crucial match.
Oct 11, 2022
Neil Merchant
As a soccer fan, I'm eager to see how France's strategy will unfold against Australia. This article sets the stage nicely.
Sep 15, 2022
Gerry Norton
Australia and France both have standout players, making this a clash of talents worth watching.
Aug 18, 2022
Kimberly Angello
Loving the in-depth analysis here. It's informative and enriches the anticipation for the matchup.
Jun 18, 2022
Darren Henderson
The live stream option is a game-changer for fans who want to catch every moment of the quarterfinal action.
Jun 13, 2022
Todd Madar
I appreciate the detailed statistics provided in this article. It's helpful for understanding the teams' performance.
Jun 1, 2022
Spencer Na
This article offers valuable insights into the strategies and potential outcomes of the upcoming quarterfinal match.
May 4, 2022
Matt Yonchak
I'm intrigued to see how the odds play out in a match that promises to be highly competitive.
Feb 27, 2022
Alvaro Pujol
I'm eager to see how the predictions laid out in this article will play out in reality. Exciting times.
Oct 29, 2021
Brendan Lowrey
The Women's World Cup has been filled with exciting matches, and this quarterfinal is no exception.
Oct 21, 2021
Robyn Cruz
The analysis offered here gives a balanced insight into both teams' strengths and weaknesses. Kudos!
Aug 31, 2021
Team Everhard CrossFit
Looking forward to seeing these two strong teams face off in such a crucial stage of the tournament.
Jul 11, 2021
Lawrence Stevens
I'm curious to see if any surprise tactics will be employed by either team. Intriguing matchup ahead.
Jun 5, 2021
Liza Liza
The anticipation for this matchup is high, and the statistics presented here only add to the excitement.
May 14, 2021
Olivier Vanduille
As a soccer enthusiast, I appreciate the detailed breakdown of the odds and statistics for this matchup.
May 3, 2021
Adrienne Jones
Looking forward to watching the live stream of this highly anticipated game between Australia and France!
Apr 19, 2021
Yiannys Degermentzidis
As an avid soccer fan, I appreciate the comprehensive coverage provided by Nevada Business Chronicles.
Apr 10, 2021
Nathan Adams
Australia and France both have talented players, so this quarterfinal is bound to be intense and thrilling.
Jan 8, 2021
Sj Turner
I'm impressed by the comprehensive coverage provided. It's evident that a lot of effort went into this analysis.
Oct 17, 2020
Julie Schimel
I love the in-depth analysis provided in this article. It makes the upcoming match even more exciting!
Sep 15, 2020
Gary Huffman
I'm rooting for France in this quarterfinal matchup. Allez les Bleues! ⚽️🇫🇷
Aug 15, 2020