3 Local Businesses host Inaugural Quesabirriafest - Reno

Jul 24, 2018

About Quesabirriafest

Quesabirriafest is an exciting culinary event hosted by three prominent local businesses in Reno, Nevada. This inaugural festival celebrates the rich flavors of Quesabirria, a delicious Mexican dish that has gained immense popularity across the region.

Discover the Flavors

Join us at Quesabirriafest to indulge in the mouth-watering Quesabirria crafted by talented chefs from Reno's finest eateries. The festival offers a unique opportunity to experience the diverse flavors and culinary expertise of our local community.

Celebrating Local Businesses

Quesabirriafest is a platform that highlights the achievements and contributions of local businesses in the Reno area. As part of our commitment to supporting the community, Nevada Business Chronicles brings together these businesses to showcase their culinary skills and passion for delivering exceptional dining experiences.

Participating Businesses

  • Business Name 1: A renowned Mexican restaurant known for its authentic flavors and traditional recipes.
  • Business Name 2: A trendy fusion eatery that combines Mexican and international influences to create unique Quesabirria variations.
  • Business Name 3: A local food truck famous for its innovative take on Quesabirria, offering creative fillings and tantalizing accompaniments.

Experience Quesabirria

Quesabirria is a tantalizing dish that brings together elements from both quesadillas and birria, resulting in a flavorful symphony of textures and tastes. Originating from Mexican cuisine, Quesabirria typically consists of braised meat, melted cheese, and a flavorful dipping broth. It is often served with garnishes such as onions, coriander, and a side of consommรฉ for dipping.

Why Attend Quesabirriafest?

Quesabirriafest offers an exceptional gastronomic experience that will leave attendees craving for more. Here are a few reasons why you should attend:

1. Delightful Quesabirria Variations

At Quesabirriafest, you'll have the opportunity to savor an array of Quesabirria variations crafted by skilled chefs. From traditional recipes to creative twists, every bite will take your taste buds on a delightful journey.

2. Support Local Businesses

By attending Quesabirriafest, you actively contribute to the growth and success of local businesses. Your presence and appreciation help them thrive and continue contributing to Reno's vibrant food scene.

3. Engage in Culinary Conversations

Connect with passionate chefs, restaurateurs, and fellow food enthusiasts at Quesabirriafest. Exchange cooking tips, learn about new techniques, and get inspired by the culinary expertise on display.

4. Live Entertainment

Quesabirriafest is not just about food; it's an immersive experience with live entertainment that adds an extra layer of excitement to the event. From lively music to engaging performances, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Join Us at Quesabirriafest

Mark your calendars for this extraordinary event and join us at Quesabirriafest in Reno. Celebrate the flavors, support local businesses, and immerse yourself in a culinary experience like no other. Don't miss the chance to indulge in the tantalizing Quesabirria and create lasting memories.

Experience the inaugural Quesabirriafest - Reno, brought to you by Nevada Business Chronicles, and embark on a delightful journey through the world of Quesabirria!

Roger Fasting
I am so thrilled for Quesabirriafest! ๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŽ‰ Can't wait to savor those amazing flavors! ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ”ฅ
Nov 8, 2023
Ian Shlanger
The Quesabirriafest is a must-attend event for anyone who enjoys flavorful Mexican food.
Nov 1, 2023
Taylor Lucas
Events like this exemplify the rich cultural tapestry of our community. Can't wait to be a part of it!
May 22, 2023
Andy Theirmont
I'm already salivating at the thought of trying out the Quesabirria dishes. Count me in!
Apr 16, 2023
Conrad Nagel
Looking forward to indulging in some mouthwatering Quesabirria at the festival!
Mar 18, 2023
Paul Leverson
Looking forward to a day filled with good food, good company, and good times!
Feb 8, 2023
Joann Carlson
This sounds like a great opportunity to support local businesses and enjoy delicious food.
Nov 13, 2022
Hennessy Hon
This article has definitely piqued my interest. I'll definitely be attending!
Aug 12, 2022
Janet Fromm
I'm intrigued by the concept of Quesabirria, and the festival seems like the perfect place to experience it firsthand.
Jul 3, 2022
Drew Fletcher
The Quesabirriafest is an excellent example of how communities can come together through food and celebration.
Jun 6, 2022
Patrice Stankavich
What a fantastic way to showcase the vibrant food scene in Reno!
May 18, 2022
Lika Jacobsohn
I've been waiting for an event like this! Can't wait to indulge in Quesabirria goodness.
Dec 2, 2021
Alan Horn
I can't wait to attend this flavorful event! ๐Ÿ˜‹
Aug 25, 2021
Karl-Ludwig Schafer
I'm excited to support local businesses and enjoy some amazing Quesabirria.
Jul 10, 2021
Lenard Ranieri
I'm excited to join the culinary adventure at Quesabirriafest and explore the flavors of Mexico in Reno.
May 11, 2021
Blade Bassler
I've heard so much about Quesabirria, and I'm excited to finally try it.
May 6, 2021
Melissa Clark
The Quesabirriafest sounds like a great opportunity to experience authentic Mexican cuisine.
Mar 30, 2021
Donald Rhoads
I've heard so much about Quesabirria, and I'm thrilled that there's a festival dedicated to it.
Mar 7, 2021
Douglous Greg
I can't wait to attend the Quesabirriafest for the first time! ๐ŸŒฎ
Feb 8, 2021
Rob Weinberg
I love how the local community comes together to celebrate food and culture. Count me in!
Dec 28, 2020
Sagie Shaposhnykov
I've been anticipating this event for a while - can't wait to indulge in all the Quesabirria goodness!
Dec 6, 2020
Paolo Santis
I'm looking forward to trying out the rich flavors of Quesabirria at the festival.
Nov 24, 2020
Ravindra Reddy
I'm happy to see local businesses come together to celebrate and promote culinary diversity.
Nov 6, 2020
Chris Houser
Can't wait to explore the diverse culinary offerings at Quesabirriafest!
Oct 22, 2020
Andrew Roff
Mexican cuisine always brings such bold and delightful flavors. Looking forward to this festival!
Oct 15, 2020
Robert Haddock
I'm glad to see local businesses coming together to celebrate the vibrant food culture in Reno.
Sep 22, 2020
Tomer Hoter
The Quesabirriafest is a delicious opportunity to support local businesses and savor some amazing food.
Sep 18, 2020
Saby R
Kudos to the local businesses for organizing such a unique and exciting festival.
Jul 1, 2020
Test Tester
I'm excited to immerse myself in the vibrant food culture at Quesabirriafest!
Jun 27, 2020
Connie McGee
I'm thrilled to be part of the first Quesabirriafest - it's definitely going to be a memorable experience!
Jun 26, 2020
Alex Sinelnikov
The festival is a fantastic way to support local businesses and enjoy some mouthwatering food.
Mar 10, 2020
Garey Thompson
I've been waiting for an event like this in our city. Can't wait to taste the flavors!
Mar 6, 2020
Carl Christensen
It's great to see the local businesses collaborating to showcase the best of Reno's food scene.
Mar 1, 2020
Michal Moke
As a food enthusiast, I'm excited to explore the culinary delights at Quesabirriafest.
Jul 4, 2019
Meredith Hanson
The Quesabirriafest is a wonderful showcase of the diverse and delicious culinary offerings in Reno.
Apr 30, 2019
Hannah Palmer
I've marked my calendar for Quesabirriafest - can't wait to sample all the delicious offerings!
Nov 12, 2018
Remus Staicu
This is a great way to expand my culinary horizons. Can't wait to explore the flavors of Quesabirria.
Aug 29, 2018
David Cecil
The festival is a testament to the growing appreciation for diverse and authentic flavors in our community.
Aug 23, 2018